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Barbora Kozlíková

Biomolecular visualisations

doc. Barbora Kozlíková, Ph.D.

Barbora Kozlíková is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Informatics at the Masaryk University in Brno, where she is heading VisitLab: the visualization group specializing on diverse topics in visualization and its connections to machine learning and virtual reality. Her research interests are in scientific visualization and visual analysis, with the main focus on biochemistry and biology. She is also interested in computational geometry and computer graphics, which is her original background. She was co-authoring the CAVER 3.0 algorithm and tool for tunnel computation. She is also leading the research and development team of CAVER Analyst, the tool for visual exploration of tunnels and their evolution over time. Barbora is the co-author of 47 publications, 4 book chapters, and 4 software tools.

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