
This is now a standalone version of the software tool. An up-to-date version has been released and can be found here.

CalFitter is a newly developed computational tool for analysis and fitting of calorimetric protein melting curves obtained from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. The application allows simultaneous global fitting with various scan rates and reheating using 10 different models of unfolding. Apart from the heat capacity curve, each model provides population of intermediates versus temperature, fitted parameter values, and respective confidence intervals of the fitting. The program provides a means to export the analysis into Excel as well.

The user guide can be downloaded here. The application is coded in MATLAB. If MATLAB is already installed on your computer, download the application source files and run CalFitter.m from your MATLAB. Otherwise, MATLAB runtime is required (minimal required version is 8.4/R2014b), which can be installed in several ways:

As soon as the installation of the MATLAB runtime is completed, run CalFitter.exe from either of the above archives.


Please, cite the following article whenever you use the CalFitter in your research:
Mazurenko S., Kunka A., Beerens K., Johnson C. M., Damborsky J., Prokop Z., 2017: Exploration of Protein Unfolding by Modelling Calorimetry Data from Reheating. Scientific Reports 7, Article no.: 16321. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-16360-y.

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