I have registered for the course but I did not get any notification. Most likely, the “Registration confirmation” email sent after every registration fell into your spam folder or was blocked by your spam filter. Check your spam for any emails from the domain “” or contact us ASAP at
I registered and paid the fee a long time ago, but I have not heard from you ever since. We usually send important information 3-4 weeks before the course. If it’s past that period, possibly our emails fell into your spam folder or were blocked by your spam filter. Check your spam for any emails from If you did not find them, contact us ASAP at If possible, mark these two addresses as not spam on your email provider.
I have registered and paid the fee, but I cannot attend the course. Can my colleague attend it instead? Yes. But in that case, tell us at least 1 week before the course, so that we can change the information on our system and your colleague will have their own credentials and certificate.
I have not received the link for the participants’ platform. Most likely, the email sent fell into your spam folder or was blocked by your spam filter. Check your spam for an email with “Password Reset” on the title from or contact us ASAP at
I am a student. Does the course award any ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)? Unfortunately, it does not.
Official billing address
Be sure of the right official billing address of your institution/company. It is also connected with the right VAT number.
VAT number
Why do I have to fill in the VAT number?
The VAT number is important for the right tax administration for both sides. Providing the VAT number of both institutions is a tax obligation.
Payment method:
Instructions to perform the payment:
Please wait for a follow-up email with more instructions from our co-organizors at Enantis, s.r.o. The invoice will be sent to your email address within 10 working days after receiving this confirmation of registration.
What type of payment method should I choose?
- Bank transfer
The payment of the course fee is due in 14 working days from the invoice issue date. After that, your registration will be considered null and void.
If you must follow the bank transfer method and the process could be longer because of rules in your institution, please, make a note and inform us about during the registration process.
In this context, however, we would like to point out that the interest of applicants is usually greater than the number of places we can offer. Therefore, we cannot 100% guarantee you a place reservation for longer than the 14 days due date on the issued invoice.
- Credit card payment
It is the fastest way to proceed with payment of the registration fee. We use Comgate payment gateway. Registered participant will receive an email with the instruction and individual link for payment, which is generated by payment gateway. Everything is secured and safe. The invoice is attached to the email. In the same way, we, as the organizer, subsequently send a confirmation of the payment by email.
Important: The payment link is valid for 7 days.
Which payment cards can be used?
We accept: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro. It is not possible to pay by American Express card.
Please verify with your Financial department what needs to be stated in the invoice (e.g. project number, department number code etc.). For this information, use the NOTES section in the registration process.
Do not hesitate to use the Note section and report anything you consider important for your registration, invoicing or administration. You can also ask a question, which the contact person will then answer and help with its solution.
In case you have any questions regarding the registration or payment please contact us at (for registrations) or at (for payments).
Can the invoice be issued to me as a private person (course participant)?
Yes, it is possible. If you plan to ask for reimbursement later on, please check the terms of the subsequent refund in advance with your employer. It is no longer possible to retroactively change the invoice and the customer data on it.
Can I pay the registration fee in US dollars or any other currency?
No. The registration fee is calculated in EUR. Unfortunately, it is not possible to convert the fee to another currency.
How can I apply for the scholarship? (i) Register first to pre-reserve your seat and add a note that you want to apply for the scholarship. (ii) Send a motivation letter, and your CV to In the motivation letter, you should describe why you are interested in this course and justify the need for the scholarship. Check the deadline for sending the materials here:
If the scholarship is not granted, can I attend the course if I pay the registration fee? Unfortunately not. The course is in high demand and we only saved extra seats for the scholarship awardees.
I noticed that my registration was wrong which resulted in not receiving the confirmation email. What should I do? Register again and provide us with the correct email. Let us know which email address is the correct one.
I have registered for the course, however, the course is already fully booked. Is there still another possibility to join the course or do you plan to organize other similar courses? It is possible that a vacancy opens and we will let you know. However, if you want to be informed about the new edition of the course, please register here: h
I want to attend the course, however, I need to have my institution’s permission, which is a very bureaucratic and long process. What should I do? Register first and add a note that you may wait for permission from your institution. If you don’t register, it can happen that the course is fully booked as soon as you receive the permission. In case that you didn’t receive the permission, you can cancel your registration.
I want to apply for the course as a private individual but a VAT number is required during registration. Is it obligatory information? No, if you apply and pay for the course as a private individual, you don’t need to provide a VAT number.
I want to attend the online edition of course, however, the timing is not appropriate for me. Are the lectures and tutorials recorded? Can I go through it later? Yes, you will have full access to the platform with the recorded videos of lectures and tutorials for ~1 month after the end of the course. In addition, you can download all the written materials and slides for the lectures, and the scientific discussions on Slack will be available to everyone for 90 days.
How long will the preparatory session take? This can vary, of course, but we estimate it to take approximately 40-50 minutes.
I could not attend either preparatory sessions. Are there any notes or recordings available? The preparatory session is highly recommended to be attended. However, we will make the recording available to those who could not take part. The organizational information will also be available in a written summary on the participant’s platform.
Where can I get my certificate of participation? After the end of the course, you can find a button on the participant’s platform that says “Download certificate”. Click on it and you will get your certificate.
What are the software requirements for taking part in the course? Most of the software taught in our course will run on web servers without the need to install anything. However, some specific software is required for running the course:
1) Install/update Zoom, Slack and 2 web browsers
2) Make sure that you have a chemical visualization program (PyMOL, Chimera or similar)
3) Have a Google account (needed to run colab notebooks for machine-learning sessions)
Are all the tools that are used during the course fully available and free-to-use after the course? The web-based tools are available for academic participants for free also after finishing the course.